
Surat Dari Otai WIMAX

Good Day Valued P1 W1MAX Subscriber,

As we celebrate our first anniversary this month, we would like to firstly thank you for being a P1 W1MAX customer and putting your trust in P1. You are amongst over 80,000 P1 W1MAX subscribers who have made P1 one of the leading WiMAX telcos in the world!

As we progress forward to becoming one of the most admired companies in terms of service quality, customer service and brand value, we acknowledge that continuous improvements are necessary as more and more people come on board the P1 W1MAX bandwagon.

I am aware that of late, some of our subscribers have been experiencing difficulties and delays with our P1 Customer CareLine and the P1 W1MAX service.

These intermittent service difficulties are the result of high traffic due to overwhelming public interest in the P1 W1MAX service. We understand that the service may, at times, be not consistent and we convey our apologies for this. As a company that has your best interest at heart, we are working around the clock to ensure that a consistently high level of service excellence is delivered to you.

To achieve this, we are working on the following:

1. 1. The successful seamless integration of multi-WiMAX networks into one:

P1 is amongst the very first WiMAX operators in the world to have successfully integrated multi-WiMAX networks into one to deliver the best broadband performance to you.

2. 2. Continuously optimizing the network architecture as we expand our coverage to enhance the multi-WiMAX network advantage:

Our engineers are continuously improving and optimizing the P1 W1MAX network architecture to ensure optimum connections. This continuous effort will increase network stability and performance to more users as we continue to grow Malaysia’s largest WiMAX network.

3. 3. Upgrading of the P1 Customer CareLine

We are also aware that our CareLine service may at times, not be at its optimum. To address this, we are in the process of upgrading our P1 Customer CareLine to handle more customers and subscribers, faster. We are confident that this exercise will be completed by November 2009 if not sooner. In the interim, we urge you to please bear with us.

Once again, we truly appreciate your kind patience and understanding.

Please continue to provide us with your feedback so that we can serve you better.

Last but not least, I would like to wish all our Muslim customers a blessed Ramadhan ahead and selamat berpuasa.

Towards broadband for all,

Michael Lai

Chief Executive Officer

Maybank diHACK!!

Alamak....abh duit aku...baru nk hack bon emas kt maybank...haha

x der la...kt sini aku cuma nk post gambar Maybank2u jd weng ni...huhu



jgn risau...1st ramadan mmg begini....terutama time sms susah nk sending...huhu


Bilik aku sudah wangi...kekeke

Yeah...aku dah berjaya membeli air wick....dengan ini bilik aku dah bertambah ceria...lallalalala


murah jer...RM 19.89 tunai...aku beli kat Giant...


Tanganku dah bercorak.....

Semalam aku bukak jahitan...pergh raser nak pitam dibuatnyer...nampak kecik jer tapi dalam nk mampos...ader arr dekat 1cm panjang jahit tu setiap satu...nurse potong jahit tu buat mcm kait benang jer...ces...

ni gambar tangan aku yg dah dibuka jahit...huhu...kesemua 5 stitches..



SOFTWARE: Mengurus Wang Bulanan

MUhahahaha...jom uruskan wang dgn software di bawah


Download Updated Link


Doa untuk mengelak penyakit


Aku masuk WAD...operate tgn...huhu

Alkisahnyer tangan aku ader benjolan kecik...asalnye ader lebam...entah kenape tetiba jer dlm 2 3 hari dier jadi bengkak...makin lama makin besar...hari Isnin lepas dah besar duit 10sen...sakit lak tu kalau usik...

So aku gi arr jumpa doktor...dier ckp ader kelenjar bengkak...disebabkan doktor ni pakar so aku pon OK OK...dia ckp 'Nk buang ker'... dengan selambernye aku ckp..."oh yeah...buang, potong, kerat'....

Doktor tu sambung 'Ok, esok awk masuk OT (Operation Theatre)...huhu

so pas aku check darah dan esoknye ngn selamba aku gi 'check in' pukul 7.30pg, Selasa...Dengan berbekalkan kudrat..aku pon gi arr operate...

ni dia gambo kad admission aku

mcm ganas jerk time kat katil pembedahan...Pakar Bius, Pakar bedah...dll...adoiyay...aku dah cuak....

Ok...dier bius sampai tgn aku kebas...sapu iodin sampai siku...pastu...Bismillah...

em...sakit gak walaupon dibius...em...

dlm 30min gak operation tuh...Sejuknyer bilik operation x ingat...menggeletar kaki siot...

dah keputusannye mcm gambo dibawah...huhu...aku dah tukar bandage sendiri...dier nyer original dressing asyik tertanggal jerk
